About us
The Department of Structures for Engineering and Architecture (DiSt), established in 2013, gathers the didactic and scientific heritage of the Department of Structural Engineering, activated in the faculty of Engineering by merging the Department of Structural Analysis and Design, the Department of Structural Mechanics and the Department of Constructions and Mathematical Methods in Architecture.
The scientific tradition carried on by the Department directly derives from the activity of the Application School for Bridge and Road Engineers, which was created in Naples in March of 1811 by Gioacchino Murat on the model of the French Ecole Polythecnique, and represented the first core of the modern Faculty of Engineering.
The DiSt restores, after half a century, the unity of the Neapolitan School, combining advanced theoretical and experimental research and great cultural and educational tradition.
Therefore, all the didactic and research activities related to the structural mechanics and structural design, since point of reference for the scientific, professional and business community, have been collected in a single structure.