
The department is involved with a key role in several consortiums and districts, pursuing the prevalent aims in the field of technology transfer, training management and networking activities related to the research enhancement.

  • AMRA (Analysis and Monitoring of Environmental Risk)
  • CRIB (Interdepartimental Research Centre on Biomaterials)
  • IMAST (Distretto Tecnologico sull'Ingegneria dei Materiali Polimerici e Compositi e Strutture)
  • LUPT (Laboratorio Urbanistica e Pianificazione Territoriale)
  • RELUIS (Universitary Laboratories Network of Seismic Engineering)
  • SCIC (Structural Composites for Innovative Construction)
  • STRESS (Sviluppo Tecnologie e Ricerca per l'Edilizia Sismicamente Sicura ed ecoSostenibile)
  • TRE (Building Recovery Technologies)